{"job":{"jobId":2498127,"fk_accountId":null,"fk_organizationId":1275,"fk_adminAccountId":null,"title":"Lecturer in Marketing Management","description":"\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>About us</strong></p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong> </strong>In 2020, the University was named The Sunday Times ‘Welsh University of the Year 2021’; in 2021 it became the Times Higher Education ‘UK and Ireland University of the Year 2022’; and in 2022 it was ranked the top university in the UK in the People and Planet Green League.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Cardiff School of Management Cardiff School of Management (CSM) is an ambitious, accredited provider of business and management education. State-of-the-art facilities on the Llandaff Campus provide an encouraging and creative learning environment, showcasing the School as a leading centre in the UK for Accounting, Economics and Finance; Business, Management and Law; Marketing and Strategy; and Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management. Staff are rightly proud of their significant contribution to regional regeneration and economic growth through teaching, enterprise work and applied research.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">The School is also proud of the role it plays in delivering programmes around the world. With over 10,000 students studying management programmes at our international TNE partners, the School makes a positive difference to the life chances of students and communities around the globe.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">You will be an enthusiastic and friendly professional with excellent communication and interpersonal skills coupled with a commitment to providing an excellent student experience. An established or promising research profile in the field of Marketing Management or related area, and teaching experience on relevant programmes is essential. </p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">To be successful you will further enrich our students’ experience through your expertise and subject knowledge as evidenced through your qualifications and experience.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>Principal Duties and Responsibilities</strong></p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">You will be required to make a significant contribution to the delivery of our taught portfolio contributing to the delivery of BA(Hons) Marketing Management Programmes and MSc Strategic Marketing Management and other areas of our core curriculum depending on your areas of expertise and experience. Enthusiastic about student-centred pedagogy, you will contribute to education delivery, including programme management as required, across the range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. You will also make a significant contribution to employability, and professional engagement with relevant internal and external organisations, at a regional, national and international level. </p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">You will be expected to contribute to the research profile of the department and to meet the qualitative and quantitative requirements for submission to the next Research Excellence Framework.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>What we are looking for </strong></p>\n\n\n<ul>\n<li>A good level of knowledge relevant to the subject and professional area.</li>\n<li>A sound understanding of pedagogy.</li>\n<li>A sound understanding of research/innovation and scholarly activity.</li>\n<li>Ability to develop teaching and/or research programmes and the provision of learning support.</li>\n<li>Ability to design teaching and learning material.</li>\n<li>Ability to employ appropriate assessment methods.</li>\n<li>Ability to identify areas for improvement and to use initiative and problem-solving skills to improve performance.</li>\n<li>Ability to communicate and disseminate complex and conceptual ideas in a variety of ways – presentations at conferences, reports on findings, publications, feedback etc.</li>\n<li>Experience of HE teaching or equivalent.</li>\n<li>Experience of providing academic leadership and first line support/mentoring for other colleagues.</li>\n<li>A good honours degree.</li>\n<li>Ability to achieve Fellow Status as part of the Higher Education Academy’s Professional Recognition scheme, within agreed timescales (as soon as is practicably possible and definitely within three years of commencement of employment).</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">If you have a record of achievement that demonstrates the commitment, aptitude and enthusiasm to contribute to our global learning community through excellent teaching, scholarship, research and innovation, along with a shared passion for our values and vision, we look forward to receiving your application. We are particularly keen to hear from, and to support, applicants who will help develop our research standing and who will enhance the diversity of our university, our community and our partnerships.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">If you would like to talk with us about this opportunity please contact Professor Niki Bolton, Head of Department Marketing and Strategy at <a data-mz=\"\" href=\"mailto:njbolton@cardiffmet.ac.uk\" rel=\"no-follow\">njbolton@cardiffmet.ac.uk</a> or for further information about working with us at our University please visit our recruitment website.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Should a high volume of applications be received, we may need to close this vacancy early. We therefore encourage you to apply as early as possible.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">The University is committed to creating a highly inclusive culture. We offer family friendly and flexible working arrangements and a range of staff networks, forums and events to support and develop our people. We warmly welcome applications from those traditionally underrepresented in the higher education sector.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>Further Information</strong></p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Please read our<a data-mz=\"\" href=\"https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/Documents/English%20Candidate%20Brochure.pdf\" rel=\"no-follow\" target=\"_blank\"> Candidate Pack </a>or visit our <a data-mz=\"\" href=\"https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/jobs/Pages/default.aspx\" rel=\"no-follow\" target=\"_blank\">staff recruitment website</a> for information about working for us, our culture, benefits, work-life balance and our career progression and development opportunities.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>Amdanom ni</strong></p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Yn 2020 cafodd y Brifysgol ein henwi’n 'Brifysgol y Flwyddyn yng Nghymru 2021' gan The Sunday Times; yn 2021 cawsom ein henwi’n 'Brifysgol y Flwyddyn y DU ac Iwerddon 2022' gan y Times Higher Education ac yn 2022 cawsom ein rhestru fel y brifysgol orau yn y DU am gynaliadwyedd yng Nghynghrair Werdd People and Planet a’r brifysgol orau yng Nghymru yn yr Arolwg Hynt Graddedigion.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Mae Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd (YRC) yn ddarparwr uchelgeisiol, achrededig o addysg busnes a rheoli. Mae cyfleusterau o’r radd flaenaf ar Gampws Llandaf yn darparu amgylchedd dysgu calonogol a chreadigol, gan arddangos yr Ysgol fel canolfan flaenllaw yn y DU ar gyfer Cyfrifeg, Economeg a Chyllid; Busnes, Rheoli a'r Gyfraith; Marchnata a Strategaeth; a Thwristiaeth, Lletygarwch a Rheoli Digwyddiadau. Mae staff yn gwbl falch o'u cyfraniad sylweddol at adfywio rhanbarthol a thwf economaidd trwy addysgu, gwaith menter ac ymchwil gymhwysol.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Mae'r Ysgol hefyd yn falch o'r rôl y mae'n ei chwarae wrth gyflwyno rhaglenni ledled y byd. Gyda dros 10,000 o fyfyrwyr yn astudio rhaglenni rheoli gyda'n partneriaid TNE rhyngwladol, mae'r Ysgol yn gwneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol i gyfleoedd bywyd myfyrwyr a chymunedau ledled y byd.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Byddwch yn weithiwr proffesiynol brwdfrydig a chyfeillgar gyda sgiliau cyfathrebu a rhyngbersonol rhagorol ynghyd ag ymrwymiad i ddarparu profiad myfyriwr rhagorol. Mae proffil ymchwil sefydledig neu addawol ym maes Rheoli Marchnata neu faes cysylltiedig, a phrofiad addysgu da iawn ar raglenni perthnasol yn hanfodol. </p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">I fod yn llwyddiannus byddwch yn cyfoethogi profiad ein myfyrwyr ymhellach trwy eich arbenigedd a'ch gwybodaeth bwnc fel y gwelir yn eich cymwysterau a'ch profiad.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>Prif Ddyletswyddau a Chyfrifoldebau</strong></p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Bydd gofyn i chi wneud cyfraniad sylweddol at gyflawni ein portffolio a addysgir gan gyfrannu at darpariaeth y Rhaglenni BA (Anrh) Rheoli Marchnata a MSc Rheoli Marchnata Strategol a meysydd eraill o'n cwricwlwm craidd yn dibynnu ar eich meysydd arbenigedd a phrofiad. Yn frwdfrydig am addysgeg myfyriwr-ganolog, byddwch yn cyfrannu at ddarparu addysg, gan gynnwys rheoli rhaglenni yn ôl yr angen, ar draws yr ystod o raglenni israddedig ac ôl-raddedig. Byddwch hefyd yn gwneud cyfraniad sylweddol at gyflogadwyedd, ac ymgysylltiad proffesiynol â sefydliadau mewnol ac allanol perthnasol, ar lefel ranbarthol, genedlaethol a rhyngwladol. </p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Disgwylir i chi gyfrannu at broffil ymchwil yr adran a chwrdd â'r gofynion ansoddol a meintiol ar gyfer eu cyflwyno i'r Fframwaith Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil nesaf.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>Yr hyn yr ydym yn chwilio amdano </strong></p>\n\n\n<ul>\n<li>Lefel dda o wybodaeth sy'n berthnasol i'r pwnc a'r maes proffesiynol.</li>\n<li>Dealltwriaeth gadarn o addysgeg.</li>\n<li>Dealltwriaeth gadarn o ymchwil/arloesi a gweithgaredd ysgolheigaidd.</li>\n<li>Y gallu i ddatblygu rhaglenni addysgu a/neu ymchwil a darparu cymorth dysgu.</li>\n<li>Y gallu i ddylunio deunydd addysgu a dysgu.</li>\n<li>Y gallu i ddefnyddio dulliau asesu priodol.</li>\n<li>Y gallu i adnabod meysydd i'w gwella a defnyddio sgiliau menter a datrys problemau i wella perfformiad.</li>\n<li>Y gallu i gyfathrebu a lledaenu syniadau cymhleth a chysyniadol mewn amryw o ffyrdd - cyflwyniadau mewn cynadleddau, adroddiadau ar ganfyddiadau, cyhoeddiadau, adborth ac ati.</li>\n<li>Profiad o ddysgu AU neu gyfwerth.</li>\n<li>Profiad o ddarparu arweinyddiaeth academaidd a chefnogaeth/mentora llinell gyntaf i gydweithwyr eraill.</li>\n<li>Gradd anrhydedd da.</li>\n<li>Y gallu i gyflawni Statws Cymrawd fel rhan o gynllun Cydnabyddiaeth Broffesiynol yr Academi Addysg Uwch, o fewn amserlenni y cytunwyd arnynt (cyn gynted ag y bo hynny'n ymarferol bosibl ac yn bendant o fewn tair blynedd i ddechrau'r gyflogaeth).</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Os oes gennych hanes o gyraeddiadau sy'n dangos yr ymrwymiad, y gallu a’r brwdfrydedd i gyfrannu at ein cymuned ddysgu fyd-eang trwy addysgu, ysgolheictod, ymchwil ac arloesi rhagorol, ynghyd ag angerdd a rennir am ein gwerthoedd a'n gweledigaeth, edrychwn ymlaen at dderbyn eich cais. Rydym yn arbennig o awyddus i glywed gan, ac i gefnogi, ymgeiswyr a fydd yn helpu i ddatblygu ein statws ymchwil ac a fydd yn gwella amrywiaeth ein prifysgol, ein cymuned a'n partneriaethau.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Os hoffech siarad â ni am y cyfle hwn, cysylltwch â Athraw Niki Bolton, Pennaeth Marchnata a Strategaeth yr Adranar <a data-mz=\"\" href=\"mailto:njbolton@cardiffmet.ac.uk\" rel=\"no-follow\">njbolton@cardiffmet.ac.uk</a> neu i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am weithio yn y Brifysgol ewch i'n gwefan recriwtio.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Os bydd nifer fawr o geisiadau'n dod i law, efallai y bydd angen inni gau'r swydd wag hon yn gynnar. Felly, rydym yn eich annog i wneud cais cyn gynted â phosibl.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Mae'r brifysgol wedi ymrwymo i greu diwylliant cynhwysol iawn. Rydym yn cynnig trefniadau gweithio hyblyg a chyfeillgar i deuluoedd ac amrywiaeth o rwydweithiau staff, fforymau a digwyddiadau i gefnogi a datblygu ein staff. Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau gan unigolion heb gynrychiolaeth digonol yn y sector addysg uwch.</p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\"><strong>Gwybodaeth Bellach</strong></p>\n\n\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 20px; font-family: san-serif;\">Darllenwch ein <a data-mz=\"\" href=\"https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/Documents/Welsh%20Candidate%20Brochure.pdf\" rel=\"no-follow\" target=\"_blank\">Pecyn Ymgeisydd </a>neu ewch i'n<a data-mz=\"\" href=\"https://www.metcaerdydd.ac.uk/jobs/Pages/default.aspx\" rel=\"no-follow\" target=\"_blank\"> gwefan recriwtio staff</a> i gael gwybodaeth am weithio i ni, ein diwylliant, buddion, cydbwysedd bywyd a gwaith a'n cyfleoedd datblygu a datblygu gyrfa.</p>\n\n\n","pdfUrl1":null,"location":"Cardiff (Caerdydd) (GB)","location1":"유럽","location2":null,"location3":null,"type":"1","applyUrl":"https://itrentselfservice.cardiffmet.ac.uk/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID%3d433920SkQ7&WVID=4385410jIi&LANG=USA","fileUrl1":null,"fileUrl2":null,"fileUrl3":null,"fileUrl4":null,"fileUrl5":null,"fileUrl6":null,"fileUrl7":null,"workingHour":"Full Time","contractType":"Permanent","salary":"Grade 7A/B £44,263 - £49,794 per annum","original_id":"UNI|356359","original_domain":"timeshighereducation.com","original_url":"https://www.timeshighereducation.com/unijobs/listing/356359","original_isPremium":null,"closeType":1,"closedAt":"2023-11-23T00:00:00.000Z","requireEducation":38,"managerTel":"","managerFax":null,"managerEmail":"njbolton@cardiffmet.ac.uk","managerName":"CARDIFF METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY","managerPhone":null,"managerAddress":"Cardiff (Caerdydd) (GB)","log_hit":1,"log_like":0,"publishState":1,"organizationName":null,"organizationName_en":null,"organizationName_alt":null,"del_yn":"N","createdAt":"2023-10-30T18:57:22.000Z","updatedAt":"2023-10-30T18:57:22.000Z"},"organization":{"organizationId":1275,"lv1Id":null,"lv2Id":null,"name":"Cardiff Metropolitan University","name_en":"Cardiff Metropolitan University","name_alt":",","introduction":"<p>Cardiff Metropolitan University (Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd in Welsh) was known as the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC) until 2011, although it has maintained its close links with the University of Wales.</p><p> </p><p>It is consists of five academic schools: the school of education; health science; management; sport and art and design, although the school of art and design is the oldest (it opened in 1865) and most prestigious.</p><p> </p><p>The four campuses are within a three-mile radius of central Cardiff, and facilities include the famous National Indoor Athletics Centre, the National Lawn Tennis Association Centre and a sports centre that allows for the disabled and able-bodied to train together.</p><p> </p><p>Since 2007, £50 million has been spent on developing CMU’s estate, including the addition of a food industry centre, a £20 million Cardiff School of Management and the Cyncoed campus, which houses the students' union, bar and cafe for student, staff and visitor use. The redesigned school of art and design, by the renowned architecture firm Austin-Smith: Lord was awarded a regional RIBA award in 2015.</p><p> </p><p>It holds sport in high regard and typically falls within the BUCS top 20 institutions (the governing body for British Universities and Colleges Sport). CMU has produced hundreds of international sports stars in over 30 different sports, including seven national rugby coaches, 15 British Lions and several Olympic gold medallists. Cardiff Metropolitan University's student football team plays in the Welsh Premier League (promoted in 2017). Fashion designer Julien MacDonald and TV presenter John Inverdale are also among its alumni.</p>","logoImg":"","logoImgSquare":"https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/jobs.ac.kr/production/images/1660639697180/CardiffMetropolitanUniversityLogo.png","homepageUrl":"http://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/Pages/default.aspx","infoUrl":"https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/cardiff-metropolitan-university","country":"GB","state":"Cardiff, Wales","location":"유럽","address":"Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB, United Kingdom","phoneNumber":"+44 29 2041 6070","faxNumber":"","type":1,"univType1":"대학","univType2":"대학교","univType3":"","univType4":"본교","establishedAt":"1996-01-20T00:00:00.000Z","count_majors":null,"count_students":null,"meta_competitiveness":"","publishState":1,"updatedAt":"2022-08-16T17:48:17.000Z","createdAt":"2020-03-04T20:13:07.000Z","default_1_bannerImage":null,"default_1_bannerImageMobile":null,"default_2_bannerImage":null,"default_2_bannerImageMobile":null,"default_3_bannerImage":"https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/jobs.ac.kr/dev/images/CARDIFFMETROPOLITAN_1017291562086.jpg","default_3_bannerImageMobile":"https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/jobs.ac.kr/dev/images/CARDIFFMETROPOLITAN_174067247309.jpg"}}